Current Guilds

Here is a list of current guilds (help guilds), subguilds (help sguilds), and tertiary guilds (help tguilds). Some guilds subguilds and teriary guilds may be open others may not be open. To get a guild open please speak to an Immortal or preferably Amanda. Also, if the guilds has a website associated to it there will be a link associated to the name, if there is a leader it will be in ( ) marks.

Guilds, Subguilds, and Tertiary Guilds

  • Shadowspawn - The Trollocs, Fades, and Soulless
    • Subguilds: Al'Ghol, Dha'vol, Dai'mon
  • WhiteTower - Sedai and their Gaidin
    • Subguilds: Gaidin, TowerGuard, Sedai
      • Tertiary Guilds: RedAjah, BlueAjah, YellowAjah, WhiteAjah, BrownAjah, GreyAjah, GreenAjah
  • Wolf - A guild for the Wolfkin
  • Children - The Children of the Light, Whitecloaks
    • Subguilds: HandOfTheLight, SwordOfTheCreator
      • Tertiary Guild: CouncilOfAnointed
  • BlackTower - For turns when there are two separate towers, this is the male Tower
    • Subguilds: Asha'man
      • Tertiary Guilds: DragonSworn
  • Empire - Guild for the Seanchan
    • Subguilds: EverVictoriousArmy, Morat, Deathwatch, SeekersOfTruth, Sul'dam
      • Tertiary Guilds: Theblood, SeekersOfTruth, Oathtaker
  • Defenders - 
  • ThiefCatcher - 
  • Queen'sGuard - The queen, her guards and royal court
    • Subguilds: Queen'sSword, Andor
  • Ogier - All the tree brothers and builders.
  • RedHand - The Band
  • Borderguard - From the nations along the blight border.
    • Subguilds: BorderLancers, BorderRangers
  • Aiel Guilds/Clans: Shaido, Nakai, Daryne
    • Subguilds: WiseOnes, ClanChiefs, FarDareisMai, Shae'enM'taal, Aethan'Dor
  • Kin - Band of women channelers
  • TrueTower
  • Manetheren - Those from the ancient homeland of Manetheren
    • Subguilds: Tai'Shar
      • Tertiary Guilds: RedEagle
  • Seafolk - A guild for the Atha'an Miere

Other Subguilds - uncategorized:

Tertiary Guilds - uncategorized:

If there are anymore that were missed that might be because they are not used but if you want get at me and Ill list it. If there are errors also please speak with me.

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