Character Creation

At connection to the mud:

When you first log into the MUD, it will ask if you want ANSI color or not.  If your TELNET program supports ANSI color, then I recommend that you say yes (y) at the prompt.

Picking your character name and pw:

Next, the MUD will ask you for your character name. Be careful here. The name you pick should reflect a WoT (Wheel of Timetheme . If you don't know the WoT theme, that is ok. Pick a fantasy type name. While we won't deny validation for a name like "Joe" or "Phil", we don't encourage it either. Also do not expect to be validated with direct book names such as Lanfear or Asmodean for example. If you don't know the name style from WoT, pick from a style of fantasy you are familiar with.  Once you have picked your name, the MUD will do one of two things.  If it is a name that is in use by another person, it will ask you for that characters password.  If you see this prompt, and you know that you didn't create that character yet, you will need to disconnect then reconnect to the MUD and try a different name. If, instead the MUD gives you a prompt like:

"Did I get that right, <the name you picked> (Y/N)?"

If the name is correct, type the letter y. If the name was misspelled, or you decided that you want a different name, press n and you will get a chance to re-pick your name. After that, it will ask you for a password for this character. The password must be of at least 5 characters in length. NOTE: DO NOT FORGET OR LOSE THIS PASSWORD.  The MUD encrypts the passwords so not even an Immortal can tell you what your password is. After you have typed your password once, it will ask you to do so again to verify that you typed it correctly the first time.

Picking your race, sex, and class:

Now you move on to the races. At this point, you simply type the name of the race that you would like to be from the list that the MUD. will give you. If there is a help file for a race on-line at the time, you can type "help <race name>to receive a description of that race. 

At the "What is your sex" enter your sex "m" or "f".
Now you pick your class.  Which is relatively easy, as there is only Channeller or Warrior.

Customizing your character:

This is where you will add your abilities, spells and forms for your character. Every character that starts out new has up to 40 creation points to spend on Skills, Spells and Forms. You can see what is available to you by typing "SK" for skills, "SP" for spells and "FO" for forms. Each ability on the separate lists costs a certain amount depending upon your race, sex and class. 
Keep in mind that you have up to 40 creation points to use. You can go over that amount if you choose, but your "experience points to level" will increase with every point over 40 that you use. So be wary to what you choose and remember that you can gain skills spells and forms as you level you character on TLS.
When you have type the word "done" and press Enter/Return.

Entering the mud and validation:

After that, all you need to do is enter your email address (home, work, or school will do). The only reason we ask that you do this is to help keep track of how many characters people have and to verify that people are not multi-playing (MULTI-PLAYING-Having more the one character  on-line at one time while under one persons control. You will never receive email from TLS, nor will we ever, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, give your email address to anyone, unless required to by local or government law. Please use the email address that you will be logging in from the most. Once you have done that, you will enter the game.
At this point you can walk around the game, check things out, go through MUD school, or talk to people who are in the room with you. MUD school for a first time player is a very good idea. It will help you get familiar with how the MUD works and how to interact with it and it's environment. Also, at this point you are considered "Un-Validated". This means that, though you can "talk" to people in the same room with you, you can not use talking channels like OOCGOSSIPYELLTELLetc.. You also cannot do socials. A social is something that you have your character do, like bowing. When you are validated, you can type bow, and you will see "You bow deeply", and other people (if any) in the room with you will see "<your characters name> bows deeply.Socials are for non-physical interaction with other characters on the MUD
To ask for validation use the PRAY channel.  Type "pray May I please be validated."  If an IMMORTAL is on, and they are not busy, your pray may be answered. Once you have become validated by an Immortal, you will be able to use all talking channels and your socials. The only requirement to get validated is a valid email address.


1 comment:

  1. I like the character creation for this mud. so far its great :D
