Monday, May 26, 2014

Submissions for our NEW website header/banner!

Here is a sneak peak at what banners people have contributed to tls and gotten 1k qps per banner up to 3. The voting will start June 4th and end July4th. Sometime in july I will switch the banner and the template of the website to match the banner. When we vote please vote for the # you like the most.













Now Im sure there will be more and they will be listed below but thats more than enough inspiration. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

It's a BOY!!!!!!

I'd like to take a minute and congratulate Aramus and his beautiful wife on the arrival of the newest BabyTree.  We couldn't be prouder of him if we birthed him ourselves!  <3

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Hello again, everyone!!  I'm pleased to announce a couple of new items that are going up on the quest master.  To view the list, you just type "quest list rp".  Along with a host of RP roles that are available to purchase, we also have a new aura and cloak.

an aura of pure energy
Extra flags glow hum no_locate norestring nosteal.
Usable by all.
Weight is 0, value is 0, level is 10.
Affects save vs spell by -8.
Affects endur by 2500.
Affects hp by 1600.
Affects intelligence by 15.
Affects wisdom by 15.
Affects dexterity by 15.
Affects constitution by 15.
Affects strength by 15.
Affects angreal by 75.
Affects damage roll by 45.
Affects hit roll by 45.


a cloak of unimaginable greatness
Extra flags no_locate norestring nosteal.
Usable by all.
Weight is 0, value is 0, level is 10.
Armor class is 800 pierce, 800 bash, 800 slash, and 800 vs. magic.
Affects save vs spell by -5.
Affects endur by 800.
Affects hp by 300.
Affects angreal by 25.
Affects damage roll by 25.
Affects hit roll by 25.

I'd also like to add that we are looking to offer up more roles as soon as we can so that there is more of a variety between good and ebil!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

New header wanted

Ive decided to change the header or banner at the top of the page. I would like something that matches the current theme but I wouldnt mind changing it if the banner gets voted in. Yes there will be a vote. Im giving 1k qps for a banner up to 3 limit but you can make more if you would like. You get nothing for winning but you do get the 3k qps for attempting. If theres any questions feel free to reach me in anyway possible. You have until June 4th. One month from today. Please email me all entries with your in-game name to please dont forget your in-game name so I know who to bonus. Also the header/banner should include the mud name and the tls ip
